Anna Kynthia Bousdoukou

Evangelos Drivas
Evangelos Drivas works at the Hellenic Police, tasked with providing psychological support to Police Officers. He is a graduate of the Panteion University’s Department of Psychology, holds a Master’s Degree in Clinical and Community Psychology from the University of East London, and has completed theoretical training on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at the University Mental Health Research Institute. Given his research interests, he has attended training programs in both Greek and international universities, hospitals and institutions, on forensic psychology, criminology, judicial psychology, the mental health of children, adolescents and adults, schema therapy, the prevention of bullying, as well as the well-being, thinking and behavior of animals. He has also attended a multitude of seminars, workshops and psychology conferences. In addition, he is the creator of the "Report Animal Abuse Greece" initiative, along with a homonymous blog and Facebook Page, which publishes articles to address animal law, animal abuse complaint procedures, animal hoarding and human abuse, as well as his own scientific bibliographic studies on the relevance of animal abuse and interpersonal violence. Lastly, he has produced a handbook on animal abuse laws and procedures.