Anna Kynthia Bousdoukou

Dimitrios Zafeiriou
He is a graduate of the Model Experimental School of the University of Thessaloniki and of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has been educated and trained in Pediatrics, Pediatric Neurology and Developmental Paediatrics. He holds a PhD from Ludwig-Maximilian University, in Munich, and has received further training in the Great Ormond Street Hospital (UCL), in London. Since 2012, he has been an ordinary professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, teaching “Pediatrics, Child Neurology and Developmental Paediatrics,” with hundreds of papers, lectures, chapters in Greek and international publications, as well as 150 publications in foreign language journals. He is a member of more than 20 international scientific companies. He has been President of the Hellenic Paediatric Neurology Association, President of the Pediatric Association of Northern Greece, and Vice President of the Hellenic Paediatric Society. Since 2018, he has been the director of the 1st Pediatric Clinic, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Since 2016, he has been President of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki’s Bioethics Committee and, since 2013, he has been a guest professor at Boston Children Hospital’s Department of Pediatric Neurology, at Harvard University, in the USA.