Anna Kynthia Bousdoukou

Constantinos Filis
Constantinos Filis is Executive Director of the Institute of International Relations and Head of the Russia, Eurasia and SE Europe Centre. In 2012 he also served as Director of Research at the Institute of International Relations of Panteion University.
He was elected Senior Associate Member (SAM) at St. Antony’s College at the University of Oxford (2007-2009). In the meanwhile, he was a member of the International Council of the Research Institute for European and American Studies. Subsequently, he served as a researcher in the Centre of SE European Studies (SEESOX) at the University of Oxford (2008-2010).
He has also served as coordinator of the Jean Monnet Research Programme for EU Foreign Policy, as a Project Manager in the Ministry of Energy, emphasizing in the diplomacy of energy (2013-2015) and as a member of the committee of the Security Studies Centre, focusing on issues of radicalization. He is a lecturer at the Naval War College, the College of National Defense and the College of National Security. He has conducted a number of studies at postgraduate university programmes, as well as at the "Free University" hosted by the Book’s Archway initiative. He has written a respectable number of books, with the most recent of them including "Η Ελλάδα στη γειτονιά της", "Πρόσφυγες, Ευρώπη, Ανασφάλεια", "Τουρκία, Ισλάμ, Ερντογάν" and “A Closer Look at Russia and its Influence in the World”.
He is a member of the Greek-Turkish Forum and the Greek-Russian Society as well as Director of the International Olympic Truce Centre. He is a corresponding member of the Institute of Energy for SE Europe and a member of the Scientific Committee for Energy policy and Geopolitics. He is a member of the Foundation of Thracian Art and Tradition, as well as of the Advisory Board of the Delphi Economic Forum. Finally, he is an energy and geo-economics advisor for the Greek Association of Entrepreneurs.